An angel

Angeles is a special type of girl, one you will never ever find again. She has a shell of beauty, her body well figured and delicate. She has a distinct voice and smell. Her hair ( when short ) falls at her shoulders with a messy grace. Her hair ( when long ) reaches the small of her back and will always stick to it. To see through her shell which she reinforces every second of the day, you must look into and see through her eyes. Although being beautiful and brown, her eyes are lonely and lost. Once you get past her shell, she melts at your fingertips, revealing miles of emotional trauma and abuse. When she trusts you, you’re able to see a side she isn’t even aware she has. If you are lucky enough to fall in love with an Angeles, she will show you her world. Her world revolves around her passion for music, art, and the one she truly loves. She’ll always put in 110% into you. Don’t ever lose this girl. Angeles is a truly divine person.